
  from Dr David

The Role of Grace in Healing Trauma

The Role of Grace in Healing Trauma

Imagine you are a young girl who lives in a war-torn country. You have witnessed unimaginable horrors and lost your family, your home, and your sense of safety. You feel hopeless, angry, and afraid. You wonder if God has abandoned you or if he even exists. This is the...

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Navigating Grief and Loss from a Christian Perspective

Navigating Grief and Loss from a Christian Perspective

Grief and loss are universal experiences that affect us all at some point in our lives. The death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, the loss of a job or a missed opportunity are just a few examples of the many forms of loss that we may experience. Grief is...

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The Power of Forgiveness: A Biblical Perspective

The Power of Forgiveness: A Biblical Perspective

Forgiveness is a powerful tool that can help us move past hurt and pain, and find peace and healing. In the Bible, forgiveness is presented as a fundamental aspect of Christian faith and practice. Jesus teaches us to forgive others as a way to imitate God's...

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